A Work in Progress, Pt. 3

I am still working on our newest website revision – the theme pages are now completed, and the furniture types are being completed as quickly as possible. The info section and individual galleries fo our painted furniture pieces will follow as time allows. Working within the confines of WordPress is much slower than coding by hand, and this, combined with a six-day work week, has caused the completion date for the site to extend into the early part of 2018. When completed, we hope that the utilization of the blogging platform will advance our ranking for Google, and restore us to the first page of results for our search keywords, which we enjoyed for a number of years before Google apparently sold their souls, and gave our normal ranking to blog sites and single articles that had little or nothing to offer in terms of actual painted furniture.
There are still some key galleries and features yet to come, not the least of which is our contact form, which we will have up and running as soon as possible. So check back often for the latest developments and additions.
Until next time..


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