Website Update – July 2020


The newest version of our site is almost complete.  Yes, there are still ‘under construction’ pages, as there are more possible themes than I have yet to paint, but that leaves plenty of room for even more photo galleries of our work.  Then, I can get to work on creating new works of unique hand painted furniture!

This current revision has been some time in the making. Personal issues, the greatest of which all surrounded the chaos created by my wife, who I believe suffers from a severe personality disorder and sociopathy, and the ongoing divorce have labored to keep me from pursuing my artistic desires, but these are but distractions, and my drive is more than a match for such petty things.  So keep tuning in, as I will be updating the site with new hand painted furniture pieces as I complete setting up my new studio.  The last page, our unique hand painted vintage projects, should be finished within the next day or two, bringing to a close a hiatus of several years.

The future is going to be a colorful one!



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