Greetings everyone!
I know it’s been forever since I’ve updated this section, and many if not all of our fans will likely think I’ve given up on the whole painted furniture thing. NOT SO! I’ve just been so busy working on various projects, my writing, recording for Audible, and taking care of my little one, that I have had little time to devote to my sites, and thus, they have suffered. I’m working to reverse that, and will continue to update the site in the near future.
This absence has not been made any easier by the fact I do not currently have my own direct internet access, other than my phones hotspot, which is almost unusable when working on website, nor the Great Disk Disaster of 2023 (another story I’ll post later). I am well aware of the problems with the current version of the site, and will be working to correct them. The contact page never worked correct.y, and that will be my first priority. I have also never been satisfied with the image display on the current site, especially when it applies to mobile devices, and I’ll be working to correct that as well, which means, you guessed it, another site revision.
While doing all this, I am working to prepare studio space in order to produce some more exciting works in the near future. Yes, this means my schedule will be fuller than ever, but an artist’s gotta do what an artist’s gotta do.
In the meantime, I won’t be going anywhere, Reincarnations is here to stay.
More coming soon, I promise.