Category Archives: Website

Nobody Knows…

…the web troubles I’ve seen.


It’s been a hectic few weeks, as the Great Unpacking and Purge of 2024 continues. There has also been some drama thanks to an ultra-wide Uber Karen I will call Karen Ass-Ton (not her real name but she renames stuff all the time, so why not?), which I expected considering their position/personality type, but that has so far proven to be nothing more than a little bump in the road. I have released our 4th video, showcasing our children’s hand painted furniture themes, and plan on completing more as the year progresses. The theme videos are basically just slide shows with narration, but they still require a good amount of production time , and adding them to my schedule has proven to be something of a challenge.
The real difficulties lately have all concerned my webhost, who decided to move away from CPanel and make it so my email client cannot connect to my email accounts. I’m basically locked out of the back end of my sites until I can get this corrected. Few webhosts offer phone tech support any more, and it may take some time for me to release my sites from bondage. I will prevail, however. It may take some time, but I am nothing if not persistent; when things become troublesome, I have to up my game.
More changes are coming, as well as some new painted furniture pieces, so stay tuned. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, as well as Youtube. We have a number of future projects on the way, as well as more videos. And of course, commissions are always welcome.

Until Next Time,

The Great Unpacking


Well, the move is done, and the Great Unpacking, and its illegitimate cousin, the Purge of 2024, continues. It has been about 3 weeks since the move, and there are still totes and boxes to sort through. After the trauma that was my last marriage, I had to go from a three bedroom house with detached garage workshop to a two bedroom apartment. This had made it quite the task. It has proven to be a blessing, however, because this move has finally motivated me to clean out all the extra stuff I’ve accumulated over the years. I’ve needed to minimalize for some time, and the end result will be a less crowded and more enjoyable and functional living and work space. The process has had a somewhat meditative effect, and I have found a good deal of peace in letting go of things I’ve held onto for far too long.
I’ll be putting up another video on our Youtube channel soon, and will post an announcement when it is available.
I am still having some trouble connecting my mail client to the site, as well as some issues with our site’s certificate, issues I hope to have resolved soon. I have a lot of furniture to produce this year, and can’t wait to start.

Until Next time,


Returning to Form


Well, in case anyone hasn’t noticed, I have returned to regular updates to the Reincarnations Painted Furniture website and blog. It has been a long, slow recovery from the damage done by my ex (and my stupidity in believing any of the b.s. in the first place), but the worst of the damage is past, and the return to form has been long in coming, but I am finally making headway. As some may have noticed, I’ve trimmed the site of all its fat, and will addressing the two remaining problems soon. This will include a reworking of our contact page, as well as a different approach to displaying the galleries of various painted furniture and other artworks we have created.
Also, we will be launching a new (to us) promotional endeavor I think people will respond to in a positive way. More news on that soon.
So, yes, there are many more changes to come, and despite the amount of work involved, I am excited to begin this new undertaking. I let the site languish for far too long, and have begun to put the necessary energy back into my creative endeavors.
All in all, it’s about time.

Until Next Time,


Website Update Feb. 2024


I have spent a good amount of time over the last two weeks or so working on various aspects of our website, starting with the SEO for the site itself. After some thought, I realized also the site was bloated with themes that, while planned, have not yet been painted, and thus were taking up valuable space. There are new themes and designs coming this year, and those pages will be added as the new pieces are completed.
The next step in this year’s revision is to rework the gallery sections, although that will take some time to complete; there are over a hundred pieces in our portfolio, and I will need to rework them all in order to present them better on mobile platforms.
We are also just a few weeks away from a new announcement regarding our work, and will share the news when the plans have been finalized. It’s going to be a busy year, and I hope you will visit us often to see the changes.

Until Next Time,


Website Update: Feb. 2024


Looking over the data for my site, I discovered to little surprise it has been 4 years since I have done any serious updates to the Reincarnations site.  A good amount of that time was spent dealing with the devastating consequences of allowing myself to be drawn into a relationship with someone possessing a serious and dangerous personality disorder.  These effects were severe, from financial to emotional to physical damage.  I have managed to surmount most of these, though some of the latter two effects will last me for life, and have begun the healing process.  Part of getting back to the person I was and need to be is my need to create, which is why I have begun revamping the site in preparation for the new hand painted furniture projects I have planned for the coming year.

I have already begun making some small changes designed to boost the SEO rankings for Reincarnations – Hand Painted Furniture & Other Artistic Creations.  This site was once on the front page of everyone’s favorite surveillance tool/search engine, but after the change in the algorithm, we were buried under tons of sponsored results.  Even this small change requires a good number of hours, inserting information where it is needed.  One example is the alt description for images.  There are over 800 images used on our site, and it is necessary to edit them all.  And that is just one item on the list.

The changes planned for this site going forward are fairly extensive, and will take some time to implement, but I feel the result will be well worth the effort.  I hope you will join us as we begin anew our artistic journey.

Until Next Time,


Website & Art News, 2-1-24


It has been a busy last few months, and the momentum has no signs of slowing any time in the near future,  This is a good thing, as it means the healing process from the disastrous marriage I suffered through has definitively begun.

There are a good many changes on the horizon for all my creative endeavors, all of them positive, and all designed to reclaim our former place on the major search engine, and spread our message of positively creativity to the world at large. The only issue will be if I can summon the energy to keep up with all the many tasks required of me.  With the acquisition of a new job, however, the chances are this will be easier than originally anticipated, as my new position is not as physically draining as my last.

One of the major projects currently on my to-do list is the long awaited overhaul of our website.  For this website revision, I will not be changing the graphics or color, but will instead attempt to optimize out website for mobile devices, and will incorporate a new slider and design to showcase our many artworks on these devices.

More changes are on the way, and I will announce them as they are closer to being made into reality. I can say I am working on some ideas to increase the exposure of the site and our art to the public, and am excited at the prospect.  I will have more announcements on this in the near future, so visit us often!

Until Next Time-


Update: January 2024

Hello again!

As I stated in my latest posts, there are going to be some exciting changes coming to Reincarnations this year, which promises to be the busiest for me in some time,  I have started a new day job, which should allow me more time and considerably more energy to devote to my artistic passions.  Within the next few months, I am hoping to move, and this will be the second to last move I have to make.  I should be able to set up a more permanent studio.  I am working to create space for the painting of several new projects in the near future, along with a new campaign to widen our audience, a development I will be announcing with more details when it is closer to realization.  This is in preparation for a slew of new pieces that will be completed this year.  Along with new planned revisions to the website, it is the goal to reclaim Reincarnations position in the search engines and among our peers in the world of contemporary artisan crafts.

It’s going to be an exciting year, and I hope you will join us for our continuing adventure.

Until next time,


A Busy Year Ahead

Welcome back!

2024 is looking like it is going to be a busy year.  We are working on a new theme, the first in some time, and a batch of new pieces just waiting to be given a new life.  There are many things being tossed around in relation to our future (and not just about how the world seems to be falling apart).  There may be some exciting news to report in the near future, but I want to work more on these ideas before announcing them officially.
In the meantime, I have added a work around to our contact page until I can edit my site remotely to set up an auto-mailer to our site for future orders.  I will be working to improve our site in the near future.  There are many other projects vying for our time, but we will be sure to let everyone know when the new work on the site is complete.  We have been around for many years, and have no plans on giving up on our artistic dreams any time in the near future.

So, be sure to check in on us from time to time…there is much more to come.


Back to Work

Greetings, Everyone!

After not having updated our blog for a year, I have to be honest and say I do not even really know if our fans still follow us.  Life has been a hectic mess for a while, and it has taken considerable work to make things stable again, and the effort has left little energy or time to devote to artistic projects.  I am not one to give up, however, and have remained dedicated to the artistic vision which began all those many years ago when I began this site.

I have been putting more emphasis on the writing side lately, and have completed two additional novels since the last website update and additions to our painted furniture portfolio.  Writing takes considerably less set-up and space than my painting, and it was the best way to maintain my creativity during the stress of moving and beginning a new day job.  The time has come (more like way overdue) for another website revision, as well as producing some new artwork.  I have several pieces ready to be transformed, and will be introducing at least one new theme to our portfolio in the coming months.

Another casualty during my long hiatus was our contact form.  There are some particularities when working with WordPress and forms, and it will take me a bit to get that worked out.  In the meantime, I have included a mail link on our contact page.  It’s not a perfect solution, but it will at least provide a means of contact until I can make the necessary programming changes necessary to make the mail system functional.

Promotion has also been a weak point of mine, but I am working to change that, for both my writing and art sites.  I feel it’s about time that I make my creative endeavors my main career focus, and the only way to achieve that is to put in the effort.

So, if you are a newcomer to our site, then welcome, and if you are a returning fan, rest assured there is a lot more to come in the future.

Until then, be kind to yourself and others.


Long Time No See

Greetings everyone!

I know it’s been forever since I’ve updated this section, and many if not all of our fans will likely think I’ve given up on the whole painted furniture thing.  NOT SO!  I’ve just been so busy working on various projects, my writing, recording for Audible, and taking care of my little one, that I have had little time to devote to my sites, and thus, they have suffered.  I’m working to reverse that, and will continue to update the site in the near future.

This absence has not been made any easier by the fact I do not currently have my own direct internet access, other than my phones hotspot, which is almost unusable when working on website, nor the Great Disk Disaster of 2023 (another story I’ll post later).  I am well aware of the problems with the current version of the site, and will be working to correct them.  The contact page never worked correct.y, and that will be my first priority.  I have also never been satisfied with the image display on the current site, especially when it applies to mobile devices, and I’ll be working to correct that as well, which means, you guessed it, another site revision.


While doing all this, I am working to prepare studio space in order to produce some more exciting works in the near future.  Yes, this means my schedule will be fuller than ever, but an artist’s gotta do what an artist’s gotta do.

In the meantime, I won’t be going anywhere,  Reincarnations is here to stay.

More coming soon, I promise.
