Category Archives: News

The Great Unpacking


Well, the move is done, and the Great Unpacking, and its illegitimate cousin, the Purge of 2024, continues. It has been about 3 weeks since the move, and there are still totes and boxes to sort through. After the trauma that was my last marriage, I had to go from a three bedroom house with detached garage workshop to a two bedroom apartment. This had made it quite the task. It has proven to be a blessing, however, because this move has finally motivated me to clean out all the extra stuff I’ve accumulated over the years. I’ve needed to minimalize for some time, and the end result will be a less crowded and more enjoyable and functional living and work space. The process has had a somewhat meditative effect, and I have found a good deal of peace in letting go of things I’ve held onto for far too long.
I’ll be putting up another video on our Youtube channel soon, and will post an announcement when it is available.
I am still having some trouble connecting my mail client to the site, as well as some issues with our site’s certificate, issues I hope to have resolved soon. I have a lot of furniture to produce this year, and can’t wait to start.

Until Next time,



“A Spirit with a vision,
is a dream — with a mission”


It has been a long, stressful, and physically challenging road, but I am finally in our new home studio. Savannah in particular seems to like our new community much better than our previous one; the inclusion of a pool and playground had a part to play in that opinion, and for that I am glad.
The move was, as I have said, both physically and mentally draining. Had it not been for the help of some good friends, it would have been much more difficult indeed. This move, though a much-needed step in a positive direction, also came at a crisis point in my life, an event that was the result of some vindictive folks at my last day job. Despite taking what I felt were the necessary steps to prevent as many of the delays and difficulties as I could, random chance took the opportunity to raise its head, and the strain of the move proved too much for my vehicle. Again, I had taken the necessary steps to care for what was my only transportation, but from what later analysis and diagnosis seems to reveal, the previous mechanics who worked on my vehicle back in the fall of 2023 had either installed defective parts, or did a shitty job overall, a job that ended up costing me over $1200, not including the repetition of the original repair. The mechanics who worked on the vehicle came under recommendation of my former boss, and looking back, the end result fits perfectly with everything else I know about the person. This and other aspects of my former job and environment was enough for me to change it all, and helped me come to a determination to make my art and family the only priority when it came to those two items in particular.
I am still in the process of unpacking. A certain number of items, tools and future painted furniture projects, will have to go back into storage – but this should not take too long, depending on the repair time on my vehicle. As an artist, every day of delay from being able to create is frustrating, but we will soon be back to creating new works of functional art, including new themes, as well as continuing our video series on our work. If you haven’t already, please be sure to check out our Hand Painted Furniture Channel on YouTube and subscribe!

Until Next Time,


Working Them Angels


Looks like another couple weeks slipped by without an update. This is sadly unavoidable; I am but one person, doing the work of several (a condition with which I have become sadly familiar). In addition to a full time physical job, I am in the process of moving to a new home studio (another condition with which I am uncomfortably familiar), another task that normally requires more than one person , as I have enough to fill a 30 ft storage unit to the brim, all of which I will be moving by hand to a second floor unit.
There are few things I hate more than moving (although that list is picking up new items with increasing rapidity). The physical strain is not something I am looking forward to – seventy two hours of additional labor on top of the normal forty I put in on a weekly basis. Fortunately, I have both the tenacity of honey badger and the pain tolerance of Wolverine. The job will be done. I’ll likely feel the effects with every movement for several weeks afterward, but the results will be worth it. It is a trying, difficult, physically demanding time, but I’ve been working them angels for years, and one more flight is more than worth the effort.
I will post more news and possibly photos when our new studio is up and running. There is plenty more art and Youtubevideos on the way, so stay tuned!

Until Next Time,


Transitory Flight


Again, another month managed to sneak by without giving me time to post, much less create any new painted furniture or videos. We were recently made to begin the moving process for our studio, and this has taken up a great deal of my time and energy, especially considering I had to work this around a full time job. I have found myself on more than one occasion these last few weeks wondering how I have ever manage to acquire this much stuff. This has forced a delay in the new painted furniture projects we have scheduled for the upcoming year, an occurrence that has been too frequent as of late, and one that has been a point of personal aggravation for longer than I care to admit.
With luck, this latest interruption will not last more than a few more weeks, and should our plans work out as intended, this will be our final stop in our long quest for a permanent studio space. We should begin work on our new studio within the next few weeks. With luck, this will be the end of July at the latest, and then we will have a ton of new videos and works of painted furniture to share going forward. I know it may appear I have been lax in my creative duties, but I will be devoting much more time and creative energy in this and my writing in the future. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience and patronage, and hope you will follow our channel on YouTube.

Until Next time,


YouTube Painted Furniture Channel


We have established our painted furniture channel on YouTube with the release of our first video. Our second video will feature the beginning of a new project: a spring meadow dining table and chair set. We have recorded the first section, and will be recording the next segment during the last weekend in March. We will be doing a variety of projects in the future, so be sure to check us out. Of course, we will be posting our step by step photos and portfolio examples as these new projects are completed.
It will take some time before we can establish a regular posting schedule for our videos; daily life has a way of springing its share of surprises lately, and we are looking to find a new studio within the next few months. Meanwhile, however, we will continue to do our best to bring new segments (I’m not a fan of the word ‘content’) to the best of my ability. We hope you will tune in and enjoy.

Until next time,


Our First Video


We are pleased to announce we will be posting our first YouTube video on March 24th. I am aware I am somewhat late to the social video front, but we finally made it. Future videos will show the progress of our various painted furniture projects, painting tips and demonstrations, and more, as I teach my little one how I create works of functional art, and other contemporary craft projects. I hope this will expose more people to our studio, and possibly bring attention from those looking to commission pieces in our style.
The link to our introductory video is below:


We hope you will join us in our continuing artistic journey!


Coming Soon…

…to a screen near you!


My daughter and I have recorded our first video for YouTube! I have started the Reincarnations Painted Furniture channel on that site, and will be creating content for it on a regular basis going forward. Of course, this will not be a professional production – I don’t have assistants and producers, or even a cameraman, other than myself, so it is certain the videos may lack a certain polish, but what it lacks in bells and whistles will be more than compensated for in terms of material. My daughter will be learning to create painted furniture in the Reincarnations style, and we will be sharing her artistic journey, along with tips, demos, and complete projects. It will most definitely be a home-grown project, but I hope those with interest in our work will join us. It is not my purpose to ever monetize the channel; we just want to share our passion to a wider audience. With luck, we will be able to eventually move to a larger studio, but we will always strive to keep our channel personal and fun. I will publish a link to our channel when I complete the editing process. I realize we are a bit slow to utilize the technology at our disposal, but those who know us know the reasons behind such a slow delay, one I hope we can put behind us once we begin posting regular videos.

Until then,


Returning to Form


Well, in case anyone hasn’t noticed, I have returned to regular updates to the Reincarnations Painted Furniture website and blog. It has been a long, slow recovery from the damage done by my ex (and my stupidity in believing any of the b.s. in the first place), but the worst of the damage is past, and the return to form has been long in coming, but I am finally making headway. As some may have noticed, I’ve trimmed the site of all its fat, and will addressing the two remaining problems soon. This will include a reworking of our contact page, as well as a different approach to displaying the galleries of various painted furniture and other artworks we have created.
Also, we will be launching a new (to us) promotional endeavor I think people will respond to in a positive way. More news on that soon.
So, yes, there are many more changes to come, and despite the amount of work involved, I am excited to begin this new undertaking. I let the site languish for far too long, and have begun to put the necessary energy back into my creative endeavors.
All in all, it’s about time.

Until Next Time,


Website Update Feb. 2024


I have spent a good amount of time over the last two weeks or so working on various aspects of our website, starting with the SEO for the site itself. After some thought, I realized also the site was bloated with themes that, while planned, have not yet been painted, and thus were taking up valuable space. There are new themes and designs coming this year, and those pages will be added as the new pieces are completed.
The next step in this year’s revision is to rework the gallery sections, although that will take some time to complete; there are over a hundred pieces in our portfolio, and I will need to rework them all in order to present them better on mobile platforms.
We are also just a few weeks away from a new announcement regarding our work, and will share the news when the plans have been finalized. It’s going to be a busy year, and I hope you will visit us often to see the changes.

Until Next Time,


Website Update: Feb. 2024


Looking over the data for my site, I discovered to little surprise it has been 4 years since I have done any serious updates to the Reincarnations site.  A good amount of that time was spent dealing with the devastating consequences of allowing myself to be drawn into a relationship with someone possessing a serious and dangerous personality disorder.  These effects were severe, from financial to emotional to physical damage.  I have managed to surmount most of these, though some of the latter two effects will last me for life, and have begun the healing process.  Part of getting back to the person I was and need to be is my need to create, which is why I have begun revamping the site in preparation for the new hand painted furniture projects I have planned for the coming year.

I have already begun making some small changes designed to boost the SEO rankings for Reincarnations – Hand Painted Furniture & Other Artistic Creations.  This site was once on the front page of everyone’s favorite surveillance tool/search engine, but after the change in the algorithm, we were buried under tons of sponsored results.  Even this small change requires a good number of hours, inserting information where it is needed.  One example is the alt description for images.  There are over 800 images used on our site, and it is necessary to edit them all.  And that is just one item on the list.

The changes planned for this site going forward are fairly extensive, and will take some time to implement, but I feel the result will be well worth the effort.  I hope you will join us as we begin anew our artistic journey.

Until Next Time,
