It has been a busy last few months, and the momentum has no signs of slowing any time in the near future, This is a good thing, as it means the healing process from the disastrous marriage I suffered through has definitively begun.
There are a good many changes on the horizon for all my creative endeavors, all of them positive, and all designed to reclaim our former place on the major search engine, and spread our message of positively creativity to the world at large. The only issue will be if I can summon the energy to keep up with all the many tasks required of me. With the acquisition of a new job, however, the chances are this will be easier than originally anticipated, as my new position is not as physically draining as my last.
One of the major projects currently on my to-do list is the long awaited overhaul of our website. For this website revision, I will not be changing the graphics or color, but will instead attempt to optimize out website for mobile devices, and will incorporate a new slider and design to showcase our many artworks on these devices.
More changes are on the way, and I will announce them as they are closer to being made into reality. I can say I am working on some ideas to increase the exposure of the site and our art to the public, and am excited at the prospect. I will have more announcements on this in the near future, so visit us often!
Until Next Time-