Tag Archives: Hand Painted Furniture

A New Home


After a long period of being unable to create major works due to a limited creative environment, Reincarnations finally has a new home and studio!  I am still in the beginning stages of setting up, but the future is looking bright.  After three years of limited space, I found myself in a position where I was forced to find both new employment and a new place to live,  I would have found such a task daunting in the past, but my experiences of the last decade have given me unexpected faith in such things, and this faith was rewarded when I managed to secure both, along with a space that I can rehab into a workshop/studio, where I can actually put my woodworking tools and skills to use once again.

It’s been a long road for me, but things are beginning to look up once again.  I should have both my studio and workshop set up within the next 4-6 weeks, and will once again have new works and themes available for order.  There will be more updates in the future, so stay tuned!

Until then,


News – May 2022

Greetings all!

Believe it or not, I’m still here!  I can’t believe it’s been over a year since I updated our journal.  Or, maybe I can.  I’ve been working for some time to restore my studio, and each time I think I have finally achieved my goal, life found a way to pull the rug from under my feet.

Case in point: for the last two plus years, I was working as a property manager in addition to other handyman/artisan work in order to make my bills and pay for the court ordered ransom to my former abuser (another story).  The former paid my rent while the latter paid for my other expenses.  This went will until the building was sold, and the new owners proceeded to abuse my work ethic, not only creating a hostile work environment, which includes my home, but also to harass me verbally and in writing, what we call libel in legal circles.  Now I have to address that issue in the one place sure to trigger my PTSD – a courtroom.

On the upside, I now have room to create more new pieces, as my new job is in a wood shop, where I can make many of the planned pieces and themes that have yet to see the light of day.

Also, it has been brought to my attention our contact form may not be functioning properly. I am still taking orders, and can be reached at: <a href=”mailto:contactus@reincarnations.com”>contactus@reincarnations.com</a> until such time the contact form is working.

Until next time…


News – January 2021


I apologize for the lack of posts – the holidays took their toll, and I have been busy of late.  There are indeed more new works coming in the future, and I will post them as they become available, including a piece by an associate artist in a currently empty theme.  It is still a challenge to paint these days, as our studio space is limited, but I am committed to producing as many creative projects in 2021 as I can.  Keep watching our blog, and our Facebook page for more developments!

Until Next time,


Website Update 2 – July 2020


Well, the site finally has all the galleries installed, despite fighting against the new WordPress update messing things up, and the constant stress of dealing with a corrupt Domestic Relations system in Virginia, a problem that is apparently widespread not only in this country, but in many places around the world.  Fortunately, I’ve managed to survive so far – although I do now suffer from additional health issues as a result, including permanent nerve damage, as a direct result of the bias and corruption within that horrible mess they dare to call a ‘justice system’.  Still, I have never given up on my dream, and will continue to create new works, and produce the best hand painted furniture for my clients seen anywhere.

New works are on the way, as well as new additions to the galleries of old works, as I have finally managed to reclaim most of the possessions I was forced to leave in storage, including my print portfolio, which I had thought was lost…so lots of new stuff coming!

Until next time…


Website Update – July 2020


The newest version of our site is almost complete.  Yes, there are still ‘under construction’ pages, as there are more possible themes than I have yet to paint, but that leaves plenty of room for even more photo galleries of our work.  Then, I can get to work on creating new works of unique hand painted furniture!

This current revision has been some time in the making. Personal issues, the greatest of which all surrounded the chaos created by my wife, who I believe suffers from a severe personality disorder and sociopathy, and the ongoing divorce have labored to keep me from pursuing my artistic desires, but these are but distractions, and my drive is more than a match for such petty things.  So keep tuning in, as I will be updating the site with new hand painted furniture pieces as I complete setting up my new studio.  The last page, our unique hand painted vintage projects, should be finished within the next day or two, bringing to a close a hiatus of several years.

The future is going to be a colorful one!



Update May 2020


It’s been a year since I posted last, and I can say at last that I have established a temporary studio, and will be adding new pieces as they are completed. New work has been completed, and the section will be added soon. Links will be provided when they are finished.
I hope everyone is staying safe during this trying time.


Setbacks and Heartbreak pt. 2

There are setbacks, and then there are setbacks. All of us face crisis; mine seem to come every couple of years, but never have I faced the intensity, the sheer gravity, of so many crisis-level stress-inducing events happening at the same time before. Nor have I ever had to deal with someone so determined to make my life the opposite of what I wanted it to be before.hence the gap in posts. I am back, however, and have added the first new page to the site in awhile. I will continue to produce whatever art I can, and to update the site content, as best I can as I once again deal with pitfalls of life. Meanwhile, the search for a new studio continues. I have added the first new content to the site in over a year. Bonus points will be given if you can guess where – just kidding. There is no points. But our Murals page looks great!

Until Next Time,


A Work In Progress pt 2

We are continuing to rebuild the Reincarnations Painted Furniture website as quickly as possible. Please forgive us for the broken links, as we currently have limited time for web design. More pages will continue to be added until we have galleries of all our completed pieces, as well as Info and Decor sections. Stay tuned – a new site and new artwork are on the way!


A Work in Progress

As you have probably noticed, there are quite a few missing sections and pages on our site. Please bear with us as we rebuild our site. WordPress is a somewhat slower process than straight coding, in my opinion, as the work is all done online, as opposed to coding the pages first and uploading the finished pages remotely. With less time these days for design, the site may take some time to complete, but the end result will be worth it.
Work on our future studio also continues, and we will soon be able to create new works of hand painted furniture goodness.
Until next time…


Website Revision 2017

It has come time (finally) to upgrade our site.  This is mainly an experiment, a change-over to a WordPress-based platform in an attempt to please the Google Search Gods.  It is clear from my study of the ever-changing world of Search Engine Optimization and it’s effects on search results, that the blogging platform was much favored by the search engines.  Thus, rather than attempt to merely skin the blog to look like the rest of the site, I decided to redo the entire site using their framework.

After several months of tinkering with different aspects of the site, such as custom headers, images, and fonts, contact forms, image sliders and style sheets, I have become confident that I can maintain the original functionality and overall look of the site, while also making it more search engine friendly.

Also, I really really like web design, and revising the site on a regular basis allows me to keep learning new things.

I hope everyone likes the finished result.  With any luck, I’ll be able to revise the site in the coming days  (and possibly weeks, considering my work schedule) in such a way that it will look good on multiple devices and browsers, something any web designer worth their salt should be capable.  So visit us often and update those bookmarks!
